
  • Success Sucks

    Young dudes have a fantasy that someday they might get famous, and if they do they’ll have all sorts of money and get tons of tail. As someone who once flirted with fame, I want to let all of you young men know that it’s completely true. Except you...

  • Are You Addicted to Sitcoms? Blame Biology

    So Netflix, which has heretofore been my go-to dealer for random Jean Reno flicks, has now jumped into the political game. FLIXPAC, aside from being aggressively caps-locked, promises to dump a whole boatload of money into Capitol Hill in search of...

  • Suckling From The Boob-Tube: Confessions of a Grown-up Raised by TV

    Aside from the occasional glimpse at the evening news, I rarely watch TV that can't be found on demand on my computer. Everything is there when I want it. But when I was a kid, I had dates with certain television programs. They had a time and place...
