The Goat Demon Issue

  • The Fog Of Analog

    When I saw Harmony Korine's newest film, Trash Humpers during the New York Film Festival, the theater smelled like farts and stinky feet.

  • Don’t Say Cheese

    Thomas Ruff has his roots in the type of sterile, objective photography that loves water towers, silos, and other vertical piles of industrial cement that somehow became a big part of German photography’s legacy.

  • Follow The Gps, Ése

    Over the past two decades, Ricardo Dominguez has been utilizing electronics and the internet to piss off just about every high-level administrative authority in the US.

  • Parliamentary Exorcism

    We saw photos of a bloodstained pillar overlooking Parliament House in Australia’s capital city and heard associated rumours of satanic rituals and animal sacrifices being performed by members of a large Wiccan population.

  • Parliamentary Exorcism

    We saw photos of a bloodstained pillar overlooking Parliament House in Australia’s capital city and heard associated rumours of satanic rituals and animal sacrifices being performed by members of a large Wiccan population.

  • You Look Like You Got Dressed In The Dark

    Photos by Stan Engelbrecht, Concept and Art Direction by Michelle Son