The Talking Issue

  • Interview with a Guy Who Puked on Hollywood Stars

    "Why did you do this?" "I was in LA, and I just figured why not. It’s all people I have a fairly large problem with." "Is it real puke?" "Yes. I tried to eat different gross combos of food, like for Wesley Snipes, I ate Doritos and milk."

  • An Interview with a Mexican Coke Dealer

    Julián is a coke dealer. He’s 44. He’s been working Mexico City for two decades. He agreed to take us on a ride-along as he worked. The phone never stopped ringing, not for a minute.

  • An Interview with a Schizophrenic

    My friend Phiiliip (yeah, spelled like that) is schizophrenic. He didn't used to be, but he is now. It can happen to you too.

  • Two Mexican Windshield Washers

    Everyone hates fucking windshield washers. Except us. We think they are just the cutest little pariahs we ever did see. Or at least we did until we hung out with a couple of them.

  • The Detective Who Busted Two Old Ladies...

    This year, in Los Angeles, two senior citizens, Helen Golay, 77, and Olga Rutterschmidt, 75, were convicted of murder. They were both sentenced to consecutive life terms.

  • Lynda Barry

    If you were ever a weird kid or a sad kid, you have to read Lynda Barry’s comics and novels immediately because they will freak you out with how much you’ll relate.

  • An Interview with a Lady Who Is a Urologist

    So there's this very cute Italian girl who happens to be a professional urologist, which means that she handles cocks all day, every day. From seven in the morning to seven in the evening, she checks out cocks. Let's talk to her. About cocks.

  • A Sperm Donor Who Has 46 Kids

    My friend's lesbian sister became pregnant a while ago. She found her sperm donor through one of several Dutch websites where women who want kids and guys who will donate sperm contact each other.

  • A Semi-transient Expert On Hobos

    Filmmaker and photographer Bill Daniel documents the graffiti that hobos write on freight trains. Do you do anything anywhere near as old-timey as that?