Zero Dark Thirty

  • Here Are Your Best Picture Nominees

    In 'Amour,' two old married people face the fact that even true love won't save them from death. I think they both die in the end; one from a blood clot, the other from loneliness. I didn't see this movie because I've seen it before. In REAL LIFE.

  • The Black Mirror of 'Zero Dark Thirty'

    "It's such a heavy topic in a way and hopefully stands up to the test of time," said screenwriter Mark Boal. "So, five or 10 years from now they could look back on this and say, 'Hey, they more or less got this right.'"

  • Watch This Trailer: Republicans Think the How-We-Got-Osama "Zero Dark Thirty" Isn't Fair

    In May, 2011 director Kathryn Bigelow (_The Hurt Locker_, _Point Break_, _Strange Days)_ and screenwriter/journalist Mark Boal (_The Hurt Locker_, _In The Valley of Elah_) had just wrapped on a meticulously researched script about the 2001 siege of al...
