This story is over 5 years old.


Sonorous Metal Shapes Ring an Ode to Eternal Life

Watch an eerie metallic ballet spin a narrative that transcends time.
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When you first watch Eternity, there is the feeling as if you are in a magnetic world, situated inside a perpetual motion machine but picking up the sonic repercussions of each metal element slicing through the air. The video's main conceit focuses on “eternal life”—quite a large narrative to set in motion, take it that the majority of the video features the movement of slim metallic rings, constantly curving and rotating.


The short video's creator, Ihsu Yoon, who collaborated with London-based audio studio, Box of Toys, as well as Giant Step, a consultancy firm for creatives, shares with The Creators Project that Eternity “contains religious context about after life, the life without the flesh.” It meditates on a elements of faith and theories of afterlife, Yoon describing the flow of the video’s symbolism as such: “The metal rings that appear in the beginning are representation of people that are stuck in void of darkness where they [are] dark, inactive and seemingly dying. A triangle representing [the] Holy Trinity slowly shines on the metal rings which gives them life and vitality to escape the darkness with joyfulness.” The video's conclusion features the spectacle of the spinning rings dancing about within the illuminated space, representing what Yoon says is representative of “eternal worship of joy.”

Watch Eternity in full, below:

Find more works from Ihsu Yoon on his Vimeo, page, right here, and his website, here.


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