This story is over 5 years old.


Retro Inspired Atari-Style Video Game Cover Art

Vintage video game poster art based on modern movies and TV shows.

These retro video game box designs for popular contemporary movies and television programes are by artist Robert Penney. While they are, unfortunately, fake games designed for a fake system, they look just like the old Atari 2600 covers, complete with fake discount bin stickers and hand-scrawled writing. Penney describes them as:

Graphic illustrations of 1970 and 80s-style video game boxes with modern themes of movies/TV shows, using the fake system gaming CVS. There's a rather long history of lackluster video game tie-ins (1982's E.T. for example) that were clearly rushed, sharing very little of the storyline, look and behavior of their respective films. This inspired a series of late '70s and '80s computer game boxes with modern themes, keeping only the bare minimum information.


See the rest here.