This story is over 5 years old.


Who Needs A Paintbrush? Generate Digital Watercolors

Artist Justin Livi’s latest series WatercolorSediment mimics traditional painting techniques.

Justin Livi used Processing to create his latest work, WatercolorSediment, a generative art program that mimics the gradients and textures of watercolor painting, showing what appears to be changes in pigment and water density. The series is based off a previous project called Geode, but unlike Geode, the algorithms used for the final images of WatercolorSediment have a much smoother finish, reminiscent of a wash you would get with real paint.


Although some of the color gradients still need a little work, the individual characteristics of each piece are certainly promising. On the WatercolorSediment tab on his website, Livi posted some of his earlier attempts, which are interesting but more obviously computer generated. Livi also mentioned possible future development for this project: "The next step for me is to take the concepts behind the watercolor gradient and apply them to a stroke, which would allow a more diverse range of results."

Livi has created an interactive applet on his website where you can click your mouse to generate new watercolor artworks. It’s really impressive how fast the program works, taking into account the infinite number of color and gradient possibilities.

[via Creative Applications]