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Watch The Gripping Final Trailer For 'Black Mirror' Season 4

Charlie Brooker's addictive dystopian anthology is back on Netflix before next year.

This article originally appeared on i-D

It’s only the start of December, but Black Mirror fans already want Christmas to be over. The 4th season of Charlie Brooker’s techno-paranoia anthology series will finally hit Netflix on December 29, according to a final trailer that was dropped this morning. The trailer touches on all six episodes from the new season, including director Jodie Foster’s highly anticipated ArkAngel story about a mom who subjects her daughter to an ominous clinical experiment. Other buzzy episodes include David Slade’s Metalhead, starring Maxine Peake and a murderous robotic dog, and a Colm McCarthy-directed story inspired by The Simpsons’s Treehouse of Horrors.

Last season, Black Mirror picked up an Emmy for its magnificent lesbian love story San Junipero. "I like to think the reason [ San Junipero] had a warm reaction is less to do with the optimism and more to do with the characters,” Brooker told Entertainment Weekly earlier this year. “I was lucky that the scenario one I thought up was an evocative one. And originally it was a heterosexual couple, so it meant there was a different resonance that came in when that changed, and it forced me to think about the characters in a more three-dimensional way. Certainly, I was more acutely aware of not wanting to fuck it up.”

The latest Black Mirror trailer doesn't feature much of that optimism. But fans clearly dig the show's darkness, even as our own world hurtles closer to the near-futures envisioned on-screen. Check out the new trailer below and cancel your plans for the weekend of December 29.