This story is over 5 years old.


A Mad Scientist Reveals A Giant, Steaming Magic Potion In The Center Of Winnipeg

With EmptyFul Bill Pechet shows his foggy yet luminous version of the canadian city.

If you happen to be in Winnipeg, you should take the opportunity to see Emptyful, an installation in the city’s center created by artist Bill Pechet. It’s a 32-foot tall work of steel shaped like a huge lab beaker in which a chemical reaction is constantly transpiring. Don’t worry though, the steam coming off of it is not actually noxious, but merely colored by light.

The projected colors change according to season—they were blue and green a few weeks ago, and have now shifted to red and yellow in an attempt to warm up the winter months.

When pitching this project, Pichet described Emptyful to the [Winnipeg Arts Council]( index.php?/ wac/artwork-article/7192) with a bit of humor, imagining himself as a mad scientist testing out different solutions. But the real reactions are those provided by the city dwellers and passersby who come across and marvel at Emptyful.