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"I Am Not a Stupid, Colonial, Imperialist English Idiot": Elton John Loses It over Brexit

"I Am Not a Stupid, Colonial, Imperialist English Idiot": Elton John Loses It over Brexit

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Sir Elton John couldn’t hold back his disgust about Brexit.

During a performance in Verona, Italy, Thursday night, the 72-year-old rock icon took a moment to clear his throat about the ongoing drama over Britain’s intended split from the European Union.

“I am so sick to death of politicians, especially British politicians,” John said. “I am sick to death of Brexit.”


It’s been three years since Brits voted to leave the EU, at the height of a refugee crisis that enraged many right-leaning voters. Conservative Party leaders have failed to maintain support from both voters and members of their own party, and Prime Minister Theresa May resigned in disgrace last week after she was unable to draw up an acceptable plan for Britain to leave the EU.

“I am a European,” John said at his Verona show. “I am not a stupid, colonial, imperialist English idiot. I am ashamed of my country for what it has done. It has torn people apart.”

John has opposed Brexit from the start. Leading up to the 2016 referendum, he declared that he’d be voting Remain. Last year he delivered a scathing criticism of how the process had been going up to that point, accusing the Conservative Party of misinforming the public and promising “something that was completely ridiculous and wasn’t economically viable.”

“There’s a new cereal called Brexit,” he told Channel 4 News at the time. “You eat it and you throw up afterward.”

The music legend is currently on his three-year-long tour, dubbed the “Farewell Yellow Brick Road.” The tour is set to be his final set of performances. John’s new biopic, “Rocket Man,” directed by Dexter Fletcher and starring Kingsman’s Taron Egerton, hits theaters today. It’s expected to rake in $20 million this weekend.

Cover: Elton John performs live on stage during the 'Farewell Yellow Brick Road'-Tour at the Tui Arena on May 22, 2019 in Hanover, Germany. | Verwendung weltweit Photo by: Rudi Keuntje/Geisler-Fotopress/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images