Bryson Masse

Digital ID

Canadian Banks and Telecoms Are Collaborating on a Digital ID System

Verified.Me will allow people to consent to an institution sharing their data to verify their identity or access services.
Bryson Masse
publish or perish

There Are Now 8,000 Fake Science ‘Journals’ Worldwide, Researchers Say

Researchers from high-profile institutions are falling for these scams.
Bryson Masse
plastic planet

Earth Is Choking on 8.3 Billion Metric Tons of Plastic Waste

For the first time, scientists have calculated how much plastic we've produced, and its fate. It isn't pretty.
Bryson Masse
plastic planet

Earth Is Choking on 8.3 Billion Metric Tons of Plastic Waste

For the first time, scientists have calculated how much plastic we've produced, and its fate. It isn't pretty.
Bryson Masse
National Aboriginal Day

Google Maps Will Now Display More Than 3,000 Indigenous Lands in Canada

The announcement comes on National Aboriginal Day.
Bryson Masse
our ancestors

Homo Sapiens Have Been on Earth 100,000 Years Longer Than We Thought

A new discovery rewrites human history.
Bryson Masse
our ancestors

Homo Sapiens Have Been on Earth 100,000 Years Longer Than We Thought

A new discovery rewrites human history.
Bryson Masse
Thirty Meter Telescope

Astronomers Are Coming to Grips With Moving This Telescope From Hawaii to Spain

Hawaiians have protested building the Thirty Meter Telescope on Mauna Kea, a sacred site.
Bryson Masse
reptile love

This Small Town in Canada Spent 10 Years and $2.7 Million to Save Turtles

A community bands together for the love of reptiles.
Bryson Masse
sea level rise

Coastal Flooding in Cities Like Vancouver, LA, and Seattle Could Double by 2050

Some cities are preparing for the worst. Others aren’t doing enough.
Bryson Masse

Here’s how you can get ripped off by lenders

Understanding the rules of spending is key to keeping your debt in check
Bryson Masse
Artificial Intelligence

Uber is setting up a research hub in Toronto

Canada’s largest city is staking its claim as the epicentre of AI technology
Bryson Masse