Lena Solow


Inside the First Sex Worker Town Hall Hosted by a Congressional Candidate

At Congressional candidate Suraj Patel's event, Broadly spoke with organizers and participants about SESTA/FOSTA, decriminalization, and keeping sex workers safe.
Lena Solow
golden globes

Brave: These Men Wore 'Time's Up' Pins Despite Not Caring About Women

The women of Hollywood used their platforms to address abuse and injustice. The men were...less impressive.
Lena Solow
sexual harassment

For Domestic Workers, Sexual Harassment Can Feel Totally Inescapable

Most domestic workers work alone as nannies, house cleaners, or in-home healthcare workers—leaving them particularly vulnerable to harassment, and with few options for recourse or protection.
Lena Solow
New York

Meet the New York Strippers Organizing Against Racism in the Industry

We spoke to the women behind the #NYCStripperStrike, who allege low wages, unfair treatment, and racial discrimination.
Lena Solow

The Sex Shop Workers Fighting Their Hypocritical, Anti-Union Bosses

The predominantly LGBTQ employees of the Pleasure Chest decided to unionize after facing unsafe working conditions, including in-store assaults from customers. Now, they're calling out their supposedly progressive management's union-busting antics.
Lena Solow
the Philippines

Modern-Day Slaves: Filipina Labor Trafficking Survivors Tell Their Own Stories

"My Family's Slave," a controversial personal essay published in The Atlantic last week, brought the oft-ignored issue of domestic labor trafficking to national attention.
Lena Solow
labor trafficking

Modern-Day Slaves: Filipina Labor Trafficking Survivors Tell Their Own Stories

"My Family's Slave," a controversial personal essay published in The Atlantic last week, brought the oft-ignored issue of domestic labor trafficking to national attention.
Lena Solow
Broadly DK

We're Living in the Era of the Hypocritical 'Feminist' Boss

From Nasty Gal's "Girl Boss" to Thinx's "She-E. O.", female executives have taken to branding themselves as outspoken feminist role models—but what good is that if their employees are allegedly denied basic rights and protections?
Lena Solow

We're Living in the Era of the Hypocritical 'Feminist' Boss

From Nasty Gal's "Girl Boss" to Thinx's "She-E. O.", female executives have taken to branding themselves as outspoken feminist role models—but what good is that if their employees are allegedly denied basic rights and protections?
Lena Solow