Regan Reid


Five Canadian Films That Were Worth Watching at TIFF (Seriously)

With less than a week left at TIFF to catch the best Canada has to offer, we put together a list of five Canadian films you should watch.
Regan Reid

Omar Khadr Tells His Side of the Story in New Documentary

"Guantanamo's Child" tries to answer the question of who Omar Khadr—a convicted terrorist or an abused child soldier—really is.
Regan Reid

The State of LGBT Film in 2015

This year, the Inside Out Toronto LGBT Film Festival has fewer coming-out stories and more "post-gay" movies—but queer cinema remains a vital, vibrant scene.
Regan Reid

​Hvordan vil Jorden håndtere det første møde med rumvæsener?

Michael Madsen tager spørgsmålet op i sin nye dokumentar.
Regan Reid

​The Very Serious Business of Figuring Out How Earth Will Handle First Contact with Aliens

A new documentary from Danish director Michael Madsen seeks to answer that question.
Regan Reid

We Spoke to the Director of Deprogrammed about Satanic Panic and Brainwashing Cults

Mia Donovan's stepbrother, Matthew, was deprogrammed at the age of 14. It was the early 1990s, Satanic Panic had spread across North America, and Matthew's father was worried that his son was involved in satanism.
Regan Reid

Sorry, But We talked to the Director of ‘Being Canadian’ About All Those Painful Stereotypes

Canadians all live in igloos, snowshoe to work (at the maple syrup factory), wear jean on jean, worship hockey, and are just generally really sorry. That about sums Canadians up, eh?
Regan Reid
Vice Blog

Forget Hollywood: Watch Documentaries if You Care About Women

At the 2015 Hot Docs film festival, 40 percent of filmmakers are women. It's a stat that Hot Docs is excited to share, and rightly so.
Regan Reid

I Watched ‘The Nightmare,’ the Terrifying Doc That I Could Have Starred In

VICE made me watch The Nightmare and confront my worst fears. And now I'm doomed to never sleep again.
Regan Reid

Sonja Bennett Made a Feature Film About Being Fake Pregnant with Twins

We talked to director Sonja Bennett about her movie, Preggoland, which tells the story of Ruth, a perpetually hungover, 35-year-old chain-smoking grocery clerk who lives in her dad's basement before suddenly pretending to be pregnant with twins.
Regan Reid

David Thorpe and Dan Savage Have a Lot to Say about the “Gay Voice”

We interviewed director David Thorpe and writer-podcaster, Dan Savage, about accepting how you sound, and David's new film, Do I Sound Gay.
Regan Reid

Talking To the Directors Who Made a Doc About the Real Guy Behind "Dog Day Afternoon"

John Wojtowicz robbed a Chase Manhattan bank in 1972 to fund his partner's sex change surgery, a crime later immortalized by Al Pacino in Dog Day Afternoon. What followed in John's life was just as compelling, and we spoke to two directors who...
Regan Reid