Remi L. Roy


This Vegan Liberal MP Has Pissed Off Canada’s Outdoorsmen with a New Animal Rights Bill

The Modernizing Animals Protection Act has opened up a can of worms on Parliament Hill.
Remi L. Roy

The Emergence of Canada's Red Devils Motorcycle Gang Signals a Hells Angels Resurgence in Quebec

There's evidence that the notorious gang is preparing to build up its membership again after being hit by a series of major raids in 2009.
Remi L. Roy

First Nations Communities Are Suing the Federal Government Over Third World Water Conditions

After facing gruesome problems with their water supply like floating mice in cisterns, four Alberta First Nations have filed a lawsuit against the Canadian government, who they say hasn't fulfilled an obligation to provide quality drinking water to...
Remi L. Roy

The Harper Government Is Expanding Their Surveillance Policy to Treat Every Protester as a Potential Threat

The Conservative government recently decided to expand its public surveillance policy to include all protests and demonstrations, increasing access to info on even the most mundane of social movements. Some privacy advocates say the move is a slap in...
Remi L. Roy

Canada’s Leading Climate Scientist Is Concerned About Canada’s Obsession with Pipelines

We interviewed climate scientist and autohor Andrew Weaver to discuss Canada's billion dollar pipelines, the gift and curse of being known as Canada's top climate scientist, and the time Ezra Levant called him a bully.
Remi L. Roy

The First Nations Education Act Is Dead

The Harper government recently tabled a bill set to reform aboriginal education with little to no consultation of First Nations leaders. After a contentious debate, the chiefs unanimously decided to reject the bill earlier this week.
Remi L. Roy

A "Horrific" First Nations Education Bill Is Stirring Up Memories of Residential Schools

After opening up old wounds through the history of residential school resentment, aboriginal Education Bill C-33 falls woefully short in its promise to improve on-reserve education.
Remi L. Roy

This First Nation-Backed Pipeline Is a Sensible Alternative to Enbridge’s Northern Gateway

First Nations leader and advocate Calvin Helin is spearheading the kooky idea of actually listening to the communities affected by Canada's energy sector. In a standoff with Enbridge, his company is proposing to beat the oil giant at its own game with...
Remi L. Roy

The OPG Wants to Bury a Bunch of Nuclear Waste Right by Lake Huron

Canada’s federal government is reviewing a proposal to build a deep geologic repository in Kincardine, Ontario, where they plan to stash a bunch of radioactive nuclear waste. But with Kincardine being just 1.2 km away from Lake Huron, and a potential...
Remi L. Roy

Looking at the Tragicomedy of Canadian Native-White Relations with Thomas King

Thomas King is one of Canada's most celebrated contemporary authors, often providing a portal into life as a First Nations person few would otherwise be engage with. With his latest book,The Inconvenient Indian: A Curious Account of Native People in...
Remi L. Roy

This Three-Eyed Fish Has Brought Attention to a Serious Problem in the Great Lakes Basin

In February, fishing enthusiasts and local residents were shocked when a three-eyed walleye fish was pulled out of Lake Nippissing. The hoopla around the Blinky-like character obscured a more serious one: the epidemic of untreated raw sewage in local...
Remi L. Roy