The Horror Issue

  • Killer Costumes

    We asked everyone in the world to send us their best costume ideas. Send your pics to View new submissions here.

  • Living Nightmare

    The great thing about horror films is that even while you're shitting your pants, you know deep down that everything is going to be ok-in and outside the film. This is not the case with Paradise Lost, the Joe Berlinger and Bruce Sinofsky doco...

  • Noble Attempts

    We asked everyone in the world to send us their best costume ideas. Send your pics to View new submissions here.

  • Been There, Done That

    I have been clinically dead five times, not even counting sudden CPR rescues by ambulance or passersby. I once had no vital signs for 20 minutes unofficially and 15 officially. I should have the intelligence of a plant at most

  • I'm Busted

    People in the real world imagine a lot of horror stories coming out of prison. And in a sense they're right-a lot of foul shit goes down. All you free people have seen Oz, right? But living in the belly of the beast, prisoners learn that horror stories...

  • The Darkest White Boy

    Despite our constant support and coverage of grime we still get criticised for focusing on the more aggressive (interesting) aspects of the scene, while ignoring its cousin, dubstep (which is kind of like dark, spaced-out grime with lots of sub bass...

  • No Tricks, No Treats

    We said it over five years ago: all of Three 6 Mafia's records sound like a black License to Ill. Similar 808 beats, same themes: freaky intercourse, substance abuse, and debauched partying. In a southern context, DJ Paul and Juicy J's...

  • Gross Jar

    Ever since our bacchanalian yarf-off back in August, we've been sort of quietly avoiding the Gross Jar. Everyone's high spirits that day filled us with a speedlike sense of ambition and we swore to really get back into the project, but then we couldn't...

  • Roman Ruins

    What's happened to Rome? Thirty years ago, the Italian capital was the only place to be if you wanted in on psychedelic horror flicks and schlocky b-movie violence. Directors like Dario Argento, Lucio Fulci and Fernando Di Leo took the Hitchcock pyscho...

  • We Hate Horror

    Making this issue was a lot of fun because the main editors are secret horror nerds, but one thing we really noticed when trawling through all this stuff was: how come pretty much every horror movie that Hollywood shits out these days looks like if...

  • Vice Fashion - Bite Me

    Photos by Adrian MeskoStyling by Stevie Dance